Material DataCell Widget Tutorial
DataRow Constructors
DataCell(Widget child, {bool placeholder, bool showEditIcon, GestureTapCallback? onTap, GestureLongPressCallback? onLongPress, GestureTapDownCallback? onTapDown, GestureTapCallback? onDoubleTap, GestureTapCancelCallback? onTapCancel}): Creates an object to hold the data for a cell in a DataTable.
DataRow Properties
child: The data for the row.
onDoubleTap: Called when the cell is double tapped.
onLongPress: Called if the cell is long-pressed.
onTap: Called if the cell is tapped.
onTapCancel: Called if the user cancels a tap was started on cell.
onTapDown: Called if the cell is tapped down.
placeholder: Whether the child is actually a placeholder.
showEditIcon: Whether to show an edit icon at the end of the cell.