HTML Table Details

An HTML table is a structured grid representation used to display data in rows and columns on a web page. It allows content to be organized into a structured format, making it easier for users to comprehend and compare information.

Basic Table Structure

            <td>PHP & WordPress Wed Development</td>
            <td>Faiyaz Muhammad</td>

            <td>HTML, CSS, JavaScript Wed Design</td>
            <td>Shammi Nijhum</td>

            <td>Mobile App Development by Flutter</td>
            <td>Touhid Mia</td>

table example


  • <table></table> : Main definition of a table.

  • <thead></thead> : Defined the Top/Head section of a table

  • <tr></tr> : Define a row of table

  • <th></th> : Table head cell/column

  • <tbody></tbody> : Table content/body area definition

  • <td></td> : Table cell/column

Table colspan example codes

colspan means the column spans x amount or space or column

        <td colspan="3">9</td><td>10</td>

table colspan

Table rowspan example codes

colspan means the row spans x amount or space or row

        <td rowspan="3">1</td><td>2</td><td>3</td><td>4</td>

table rowspan

Table colspan & rowspan example codes

colspan & rowspan we can use in same table many times

        <td rowspan="3">1</td><td>2</td><td>3</td><td>4</td>
        <td colspan="3">8</td>

table colspan & rowspan