Python variable

Python variable is used to store data like a container. It is the basic unit of storage in Python programming. There is various kind of variables available in Python. You will learn all kinds of variables in this tutorial one after another.


  • Create variable and assign value

  • Variable creation rules

  • Variable and multiple values

  • Variable using datatype

Create Python variable and assign value

Python has no keyword for declaring a variable. A variable is created the moment you first assign a value to it.

# Variable declare & assign value
string_variable = "This is String Data"
integer_variable = 100
float_variable = 100.10
boolean_variable = True

Python variable creation rules

  • Variable names can contain only letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), and underscores (_).

  • Variable names cannot contain spaces.

  • A variable name must start with a letter or the underscore character

  • A variable name cannot start with a number

  • Variable names cannot be the same as keywords, reserved words

Valid Invalid
variable_2 = "Variable"
variable_2& = "Variable"
variable2 = "Variable"
variable 2 = "Variable"
_variable2 = "Variable"
2variable = "Variable"
_str = "Variable"
str = "Variable"

Python variable and multiple values

Many variables assignment in single line

# Multiple assignment
car, country, model = "Rolls-Royce", "United Kingdom", "Phantom"
print(car + " " + country + " " + model)


Rolls-Royce United Kingdom Phantom

Process finished with exit code 0

Multiple variable Same value assignment

# Multiple variable Same value assignment
weekend = public_holiday = eid_day = "Monday"
print(weekend + " " + public_holiday + " " + eid_day)


Monday Monday Monday

Process finished with exit code 0

List value into variable

# List value into variable
car, country, model = ["Rolls-Royce", "United Kingdom", "Phantom"]
print(car + " " + country + " " + model)


Rolls-Royce United Kingdom Phantom

Process finished with exit code 0

Python variable using datatype

Specifying variable datatype in python not mandatory like other languages, but if possible datatype specifying is a good practice in programming. It helps other programmer to understand the type of variable easily

Data Type Example


string_data = "This is String Data"
string_data_with_type: str = 'String Data with data type'


integer_data = 100
integer_data_with_type: int = 100

float_data = 100.10
float_data_with_type: float = 100.10

double_data = 100.00000001


boolean_data = True
boolean_data_with_type: bool = True

Python variables video tutorial