Python Data types
In the programming language, Data types are classification or kinds of data item values. Built-in types come with a programming language, if needed programmers can create their own data type to solve specific problems. Python has various Built-in Data types, this section will cover all Built-in data types and their use.
Built-in Data types and their description
Example of Built-in Data types
Python Built-in Data types and their description
str : Sequence of characters.
int : Holds signed integers of non-limited length.
float : Holds floating precision numbers, and it’s accurate up to 15 decimal places.
complex : Holds complex numbers.
list : Set of data in single place, can accessible by index.
tuple : Tuple is an ordered sequence of items same as a list.
dict : Dictionary is an unordered collection of key-value pairs.
range : return sequence of number
set : Sequence of data similar to a list, but it is immutable.
frozenset : Make unchangeable
bool : Represent only True or False.
bytes : returns a bytes object.
bytearray : returns a bytearray object.
memoryview : returns a memory view object
Python example of Built-in Data types
Data Type | Example |
str | str_variable = "Bismillah" |
int | int_variable = 100 |
float | float_variable = 100.01 |
complex | complex_variable = 20j |
list | list_variable = [10, "Mzx", 20.2] |
tuple | tuple_variable = ("A", "B", "C") |
range | range_variable = range(100) |
dict | dict_variable = {"name": "Touhid Mia", "email": ""} |
set | set_variable = {"A", "B", "C"} |
frozenset | frozenset_variable = frozenset({"A", "B", "C"}) |
bool | bool_variable = False |
bytes | bytes_variable = b"Bismillah" |
bytearray | bytearray_variable = bytearray(100) |
memoryview | memoryview_variable = memoryview(bytes(100)) |