CSS Selector with Example
This section will cover details of CSS selector with various example and description in tabular view.
Attribute Selectors
It provides a way to target elements not just by their type, class, or ID, but also by their attributes.
Syntax | Example | Explanation |
[attribute=value] | [for="email"] | All elements with a for="email" attribute |
[attribute^=value] | button[value^="Go"] | All <button> elements whose value attribute starts with "Go" |
[attribute$=value] | img[src$=".png"] | All <img> elements whose src attribute ends with ".jpg" |
[attribute*=value] | img[alt*="Computer"] | All <a> elements whose alt attribute contains the substring "Computer" |
[attribute~=value] | [title~=create] | All elements whose title attribute contains the word "create", delimited by spaces. |
[attribute|=value] | [lang|=nl] | All elements whose lang attribute is a hyphen-separated list starting with "nl" or "nl-" |
Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements Selectors
Pseudo-class selectors select elements by psuedo-class. It is commonly combined with element selectors, such as input:enabled.
Pseudo Selector Name | Example | Explanation |
:active | a:active | All active links |
:visited | a:visited | All visited links |
:link | a:link | All unvisited links |
::after | ul::after | Add cosmetic content after each <ul> element |
::before | ul::before | Add cosmetic content before each <ul> element |
:checked | input:checked | All <input> elements that are checked |
:default | input:default | All <input> elements that are specified as default |
:enabled | input:enabled | All <input> elements that are enabled |
:disabled | input:disabled | All <input> elements that are disabled |
:valid | input:valid | All <input> input elements with a valid value |
:invalid | input:invalid | All <input> elements with an invalid value |
:in-range | input:in-range | All <input> elements with a value that is within a specified range |
:out-of-range | input:out-of-range | All <input> elements with a value outside the specified range |
:indeterminate | input:indeterminate | All <input> elements that are in an indeterminate state |
:required | input:required | All <input> elements with a "required" attribute |
:optional | input:optional | All <input> elements with no "required" attribute |
:read-only | input:read-only | All <input> elements with a "readonly" attribute |
:read-write | input:read-write | All <input> elements without a "readonly" attribute |
::placeholder | input::placeholder | All <input> elements with placeholder text |
:hover | input:hover | The <input> element that currently being hovered |
:focus | input:focus | The <input> element that currently has focus |
:empty | ol:empty | All <ol> element without child elements |
:first-child | li:first-child | All <li> elements that are the first child of their parent |
:last-child | li:last-child | All <li> elements that are the last child of their parent |
:nth-child(n) | li:nth-child(2) | All <li> elements that are second child of their parent |
:nth-last-child(n) | li:nth-last-child(2) | All <li> elements that are second to last child of their parent |
:only-child | li:only-child | All <li> elements that are the only child of its parent |
:first-of-type | label:first-of-type | All <label> elements that are the first label of their parent |
:last-of-type | label:last-of-type | All <label> elements that are the last label of their parent |
:nth-of-type(n) | label:nth-of-type(2) | All <label> elements that are the second label of their parent |
:nth-last-of-type(n) | label:nth-last-of-type(2) | All <label> elements that are the second to last label of their parent |
:only-of-type | label:only-of-type | All <label> elements that are the only label element of their parent |
::first-letter | p::first-letter | The first letter of every <p> element |
::first-line | p::first-line | The first line of every <p> element |
:lang(language) | p:lang(bn) | All Bangla <p> elements |
:not(selector) | :not(table) | All elements that are not a <table> element |
:root | :root | The document’s root element |
::selection | ::selection | Parts of an element that is selected (highlighted) by the user — usually text |
:target | :target | The element that matches the url fragment, e.g. element with id="list" when the url is hmtmcse.com#list. |