Copy the HTML index file into WordPress index directly with assets
If you already clone the project from GitHub using the below command, that would be great, if not then can download.
git clone -branch only-html-template
From WordPress theme directory html-to-wp-theme > html-template > index.html open the file and copy all the content, and directly paste to the index.php
What about you front end of the WordPress, Please go to front end and reload, you should see the broken UI. That’s okay we will fix those step by step.
Now copy html-to-wp-theme > html-template > assets directory to html-to-wp-theme. That’s all for now.
Breakdown of the theme parts
This template has 4 parts
Header : The top section
Body : The main content area
Sidebar : Left or right part of the theme
Footer : The bottom part of the theme.