LCD 16x2 Module

The 16x2 LCD module is a popular component in many electronics projects, especially for displaying information in a readable format. This module has 16 columns and 2 rows, allowing to display up to 32 characters at a time.

LCD 16x2 Pinout and details

LCD 16x2 Pinout and details
  • VSS (Pin 1)

    • Function: Ground pin

    • Connection: Connect to the ground (GND) of the circuit.

  • VDD (Pin 2)

    • Function: Power supply pin

    • Connection: Connect to +5V power supply.

  • VO (Pin 3)

    • Function: Contrast adjustment

    • Connection: Connect to the middle pin of a 10k potentiometer. The other two pins of the potentiometer go to +5V and GND.

  • RS (Pin 4)

    • Function: Register Select

      • 0: Command register (for instructions)

      • 1: Data register (for data)

    • Connection: Connect to a microcontroller I/O pin.

  • RW (Pin 5)

    • Function: Read/Write

      • 0: Write operation

      • 1: Read operation

    • Connection: Connect to GND (for write operations).

  • E (Pin 6)

    • Function: Enable pin

      • When high, it reads data from the bus.

      • When low, data is written to the bus.

    • Connection: Connect to a microcontroller I/O pin.

  • D0-D7 (Pins 7-14)

    • Function: Data pins

      • D0-D7 (Pins 7-14): 8-bit data bus.

      • D4-D7 (Pins 11-14): Commonly used in 4-bit mode.

    • Connection: Connect to microcontroller I/O pins.

  • A (Pin 15)

    • Function: LED (+) (Anode for backlight)

    • Connection: Connect to +5V through a current-limiting resistor.

  • K (Pin 16)

    • Function: LED (-) (Cathode for backlight)

    • Connection: Connect to GND.