How to Create Linux Virtual Machine by Microsoft Hyper-V?

  1. Click on Start

    Windows Icon
  2. Search hyper-v manager

  3. Click on Hyper-v Manager. The Hyper-v Manager window will open.

  4. From Hyper-v Manager window’s right click on New then Virtual Machine..

  5. Before You Begin Click Next.

  6. Specify Name and Location

    1. Name: Enter the virtual machine name. My case writing centos1.hmtmcse.local

    2. If you want to save location then, Check the box called Store the Virtual machine in a different location browse the location

    3. Click on Next button.

  7. Specify Generation

    1. In My case I am selecting the Generation 1

    2. Click on Next button.

  8. Assign Memory

    1. Startup memory: 2048 (My case) specifying the RAM here

    2. Click on Next button.

  9. Configure Networking keep is as default next tutorial will comver it. Click on Next button.

  10. Connect Virtual Hard Disk: You can use a different configuration, but my case I am selecting Create a virtual hard disk

    1. Size: 50 (This is the size of the virtual machine HDD)

    2. Click on Next button.

  11. Installation Options If you want then you can configure later, but my case I am selecting Install an operating system from a bootable CD/DVD-ROM.

    1. Clicking on Image file (.iso) and browse my CentOS 8 iso location.

    2. Click on Next button.

  12. Completing the New Virtual Machine Wizard will show the full summary. Click on Finish button.

  13. The Creation Steps completed.

How to Run Virtual Machine of Microsoft Hyper-V

  • You are seeing the Hyper-V Manager, from Virtual Machines right click on centos1.hmtmcse.local or which you put name.

  • Right clicks on centos1.hmtmcse.local and again click to Start.

  • Again Right clicks on centos1.hmtmcse.local and again click to Connect...

  • There will be a window open and you can see the operating system is booting.
